Sri Baba Marley Jones and The Shaman Shake!

Sri Baba Marley Jones and The Shaman Shake: Unconditional Love as the Universal Guide

Sri Baba Marley Jones Episode 12

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Can love really act as a universal connector, uniting us all beyond borders and differences? Join us on the Alien Nation News Report as we explore this transformative idea and challenge conventional perspectives. We believe in the power of unconditional love to transcend judgment and blame, and we're committed to addressing pressing issues like child hunger in the United States. Tune in to learn how we channel our podcast funds to support those in need and how embracing the frequency of love can help you find balance in being "in the world but not of the world." This episode is a heartfelt invitation to experience vibrational energy and discover how it can foster joy, freedom, and authenticity in your life.

Imagine a world where compassion heals depression, and love drives us forward. As we explore this visionary concept in our episode, we discuss the universal suffering on Earth and the potential for an "alien nation" to transform our existence. Through a nonjudgmental, creative lens, we envision a world united by love and light, where borders fade away, and everyone embodies the spirit of an alien, fostering a joyful existence. We encourage you to embrace gratitude and the uplifting act of helping others, recognizing that it uplifts us all. Listen in and experience the promise of a world where love and blessings flow freely, creating boundless connections across our planet.

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Speaker 1:

Here we go, people. Welcome to the Alien Nation News Report. Everyone, welcome, welcome, welcome. Hope you're having a good day today out there, wherever you are. Woo, we got a little buzz and beep in the air tonight. It sounds like A little buzz and a little beep. Don't know why that is. We'll see if we can work it out a little bit. Well, let's see. This is the Alien Nation News Report.

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, this is me, an alien deep inside my soul. I have not given myself a name, I am the nameless one, but I am divinity and I am true, for it is me and you. We are all love. I say love, love, love, love. Oh, you come to the Alien Nation News Report.

Speaker 1:

This is a little podcast. I hope you listen, I hope you follow. Please do Click, click, click, click, click, subscribe, do what you need to follow. Make a donation to the Alien Nation News Report. I am an alien and when I get all the money in the bank, I know exactly where it's going to go. It's going to go into the flow of the souls down here on earth that really need it. What is going on in the world are very, very, very lots of hungry children, even here in the United States of America, the richest country on earth, billions and billions of dollars. In every night, children are going to bed hungry, thousands and thousands and thousands of children across the nation. So the alien nation knows what to do. Those funds that come through the podcast are going to go from me through, from you, through me, to those children. We're living in an alien nation. We're living in an alien time. We're living under boggy bottom. You know, we all lost our minds a long time ago. We're gonna have to go a little faster. At the speed of love, the speed of light, we gotta hit warp speed 9,000,000,000,000. We gotta get out of sight. We're going to be in an alien nation. We are in an alien time. All right, people, that's where we're at. Mmm, mmm, deep in the heart of the alien nation news report is an affinity for what is going down on your planet Earth. I listened to a podcast on news stream today about the politicians in America, in the capital of the USA. They were garbling, they were warbling, they had nothing to say. Although their words were coming out of their mouth faster than lightning, nothing was said. It's almost like they're not even quite all there, these people. Spiritually speaking, they might be very, very lost in space, even more lost in space than the people that you perceive as lost in space. This is the alien news report. It is an alien time. Alien love is coming on down In divinity's time. Aliens all around, aliens in your town, aliens in your mind. Set yourself free, supreme. Well, that's the alien nation news report.

Speaker 1:

This has been a little strange this episode. We got a little different frequency on the sound of this one. I do believe I didn't play the drums on this one, but the fluid stream of content is going to be coming from me to you every day, in every way. But there is no time anymore. Time is expanding, it's becoming meandering. Even though people try to control the time, there is an eternal time that cannot be controlled. So it's a very interesting time indeed.

Speaker 1:

I hope you understand me, but it's not important. Maybe you just like the vibration of the frequency of the podcast, just the way it makes you feel it has nothing to do with the content at all. You might be basking in the energy behind the gabbling cook of my words. I say Because behind the gabbling cook of the sound of the words is a vibration that you can feel. It's beyond the physical, it's beyond the senses, but it is very, very real, I tell you, very real. So I will stay in this mode.

Speaker 1:

For me, from me to you, you, you know, love is the only thing that's going to get all of us through. Love is the connector, it's the positive force, love is the salvation, it's the ultimate grace, because the other way is a dark path of judgment, blame, persecution, shame. It is time to turn and be unconditional in the love that you have towards yourself and deep inside your heart. Deep inside your heart, oh, lift it up. Yes, deep inside your heart. I feel my love in everything that I do. Oh, oh, your heart, I feel my love, I feel my love in everything that I do. Oh, shalamalamalamala, ha shalamalamalamala. Oh, yeah, yes, I say yes, oh, as you can see, I almost snapped out into another realm, but I didn't.

Speaker 1:

I'm staying with you on this frequency, because this frequency is important, the frequency of love. It's in all of you, it's me and it's in the dove. This frequency is important because this is the place where people will remember to be free and not to be attached to the things in this world, but to be as Jesus said to be in the world but not of the world. You're in it but you're not of it. It's called a balance, and so this vibration of frequency on the podcast is to make you happy. I like to go deep, deep into this energy so I can be free and I can live my life in ecstasy and joy. My parents gave birth to me. I cannot wallow in the past. After they've died, they've gone on to another dimension. They don't want me to wallow on a memory of them. I have to go into the frequency of who I am, as you're being called to go into the frequency of who you really are. Who are you? You're a frequency. I tell you. Get into the vibrational state that you want to be.

Speaker 1:

Everyone is talking about authenticity. Down here on planet Earth, you might not know what it is to be authentic. Being authentic might mean being someone completely different than who you think you are. Being authentic might be a frequency that is calling you to be a star, but not a star like this movie stars. No, no, no, no, no. It's calling you to be a star. No, no, no, no. It's calling you to be a star in your mind, in your heart. Connect to everyone. It's all even keel, it's all beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I tell you, she, oh, she la ma la ma, she la ma la, oh, oh, oh, she, come on, she la ma la ma, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh. You've got to change the frequency of your mind, even in the down times. There cannot be any more down times, even in the times you want to be normal. You have to feel the higher vibration on inside you, speaking through you, accelerating your molecular structure, so you can breathe the beauty of life.

Speaker 1:

Shalom, this is the Alienation News Report. This is the real news of the day you are alive right now. In this time, the news is that it is a golden age we have just entered. We are in the age of enlightenment, the age of communication. This is the alien news report. This has better news than any of the news you see on the television, any of the news you hear on the broadcast, on the radios.

Speaker 1:

That is not the news, that is propaganda. It's a bunch of shite. I say a bunch of shite, as they say in England. Oh, it is not real. Energetically, it is hollow. It is a house of cards. It's a total illusion. It's a veil and it's crumbling and rumbling down and what's really going on is a frequency calling you to be who you are, in the kindest and nicest and most humblest of ways.

Speaker 1:

In creativity, you must play, play, play. You are in the kindest and nicest and most humblest of ways, and creativity. You must play, play, play. Feel the love of God coming all around, praise Jesus Christ and his beautiful crown. Welcome people. Yeah to the Alien Nation News Report.

Speaker 1:

Now, the aliens love you. They love you too. The aliens do, do, do, do, yeah, and beep, beep, beep, beep. Oh, it's so free, free, free, free. So I snapped at it a little bit there.

Speaker 1:

This is going to go on a little bit longer than I anticipated. I thought there would be a little break in the communication, but the communication is bringing together the nation, and when the nations come together you will realize you are free. You are past your world leaders, you are past all the confines that they put on you in your minds. It is time to fly into your mind and be who you are. You are children of God. Yes, you are all children of God. We are, we are, we are indeed. So why do we slay and toil and have all this greed? Oh, I tell you why. It's all going away. It's a bad TV show. Now it's time to roll into another dimension.

Speaker 1:

Sit down tonight, close your eyes and ask yourself who really you are. Who is that little person in you that wants to express themselves? Is there another person that wants to say hey, hey, hey, I'm out to play. Come on, come on, people, Come on out to play. No more darkness. Take off the shades, but wear a hat. It'll cover you from the sun, but take off those dark shades. Enlighten, enlighten your mind. It is now time for joy, baby joy all the time. I won't snap out of it, no, I won't.

Speaker 1:

People say this is the alien news report. You must report on the depression. And they say I have great compassion, but the suffering that is going on on the earth? Of course I do. I don't like seeing suffering, nor do you, but some people do still, and they're being worked on right now as we speak. That is why the alien nation must come down and bless their feet as well. The blessings will be so strong. There's only one way you'll be able to go. There won't be anywhere to go, you'll just all be in God, the beautiful God, the nonjudgmental God, the creative God, the giggling God, the laughing God, the crying tears of joy, God, the slobbering God, the small God. It will all be just one God. One beautiful life. I tell you, one beautiful creation Over the entire world. It will come and there will be no more nations. There just will be the aliens of love and light. The alien is you and me. Oh Sheik Shoro. This is a really great alien news report this evening. Man, oh Sheik Shoro, please subscribe, like I said. You subscribe, I get it up and running. You go to Patreon, you click and this will keep on rolling every day.

Speaker 1:

This was a little bit long. I don't know if the frequency changed, but that is the news report for today. It's all love, love, love. So everybody, be, be grateful, be grateful. And if you're having a rough day today, then what I do is I'm feeling down on myself a little bit. I say you know what? I bet you there's someone else that's having it rougher than I am, and maybe it's my time to help. So help people, help ciao, ciao, ciao. Shalamala kalamala, ho, ho, ho, shay shalom, thank you.